What to expect
On Sundays, we meet at 6774 James Madison Hwy, at Dixie, VA, the intersection of Rt. 6 and Rt. 15.

Sunday services
Bible classes at 9:30
Worship service at 10:30
Evening service at 5:45
For the adults . . .
Adults meet for Bible class at 9:30 with Pastor Jobe for a time of study. Bring a pencil and paper, if you wish, and get ready to learn! But don't worry--no one will ask you questions or put you "on the spot." This time is set aside for practical study of the Bible.
For the kids . . .
During the 9:30 time, kids enjoy the Lighthouse Kids' Klub. We sing, play games, memorize Scripture, and study the Bible in an age-appropriate lesson.

At 10:30, we all meet together for a time of prayer, congregational singing, and announcements. Then the kids go to their time of teaching in children's church, while adults stay in the main service for preaching from God's Word. Nursery is provided for little ones 3 years and under.
Our aim is to glorify the Lord in all we do, while being a help to you in your spiritual journey.
We look forward to meeting you this coming Sunday!